I’m Seth, and this is My Story

Hi, my name is Seth. I am a Physical Therapist and have been working for Centra for approximately 3 years now. I love being an in-patient rehab therapist, my drive and passion comes from the opportunity to help people overcome a life changing event. My original intention for traveling was the financial side of being a traveling PT, I wanted to pay off student loans at a faster rate without giving up my adventurous lifestyle. After accomplishing my financial goals I could not stop traveling. I mostly enjoy the excitement of being able to explore all sides of the state and remain close enough to home so that I could return every weekend if desired. I am currently working in Lakewood, WA but I have been all over the state of Washington. I have enjoyed all locations. I am an avid outdoors man, traveling has provided me with the opportunity to have new adventures right out my back door a few times a year.
Centra has been a great company to work for. The company has provided me with great pay and benefits. I have also had no or very little delay between contracts and I have not had to leave Washington state!