I’m Bonnie, and this is My Story

Hi there I’m Bonnie! I am a new transplant to Tulsa, Oklahoma after 26 years of living in Central Arkansas. My current contract is in Oklahoma city at a fantastic Medical Center as a float pool CNA. Honestly there has been some absolutely wonderful and warm welcoming people since starting here. The best part of being at this wonderful hospital is getting to use some brand new equipment that has made my job so much easier! As well as get to spend quality time with some great patients! Since coming to Oklahoma I have gotten to go hiking in some of the national forest and state parks here. Something I learned while doing this is Oklahoma has a bunch of lakes and it make this outdoor girl happy! Honestly I don’t think I could have picked a better company to work for! My recruiter Eric has been an absolute doll! I know if I ever have a problem I can shoot him a message and get a very quick response with a solution even if it’s not a part of his “job.”