
Influenza and Healthcare: Get Vaccinated or Wear a Mask

Many hospitals have mandated that all healthcare workers receive their Influenza vaccines. As a rehab professional, it is your duty to do no harm.  By avoiding the vaccine, you risk infecting your patients as they come to you for treatment. As a result, many healthcare organizations have posed either getting your vaccine or wearing a ….

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Wiihab Helps Stroke Survivors Regain Balance

  Stroke is the leading cause of long term disability in the United States. Each year, about 795,000 people suffer a stroke. About 600,000 of these are first attacks, and 185,000 are recurrent attacks. Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists alike, will handle the treatment of stroke victims throughout their careers. Because some strokes occur in ….

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Resume Writing Tips for Rehab Professionals

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to write what is arguably, the most important document of your professional life. Your resume is not only your meal ticket, but the determinant for a better position, career, company, etc. As a Rehab Professional, it is probable that the extent of your resume writing education was comprised of ….

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Speech-Language Pathology: Autism’s First Line of Offense

Autism is prevalent today and there have been arguments made by camps, such as Jenny McCarthy’s, in which a correlation from Autism to early childhood vaccinations has allegedly been drawn. However, oppositions are calling this and many more related assertions fraudulent, in that there aren’t enough statistically significant studies that can validate these theories.   An ….

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How To Nail Your Speech Language Pathology Interview

Our economy has not been fair to a majority of the US and as it continues its vicious downward spiral, undergrad students are scared to approach the real world without additional education for fear of not landing a job. Students, en mass, are turning to rehab schools as rehab facilities are downsizing.  With supply high ….

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Early Mobilization: A New Niche for Occupational Therapists.

The term progressive mobility is defined as a series of planned movements in a sequential manner beginning at a patient’s current mobility status with a goal of returning to his/her baseline. Early mobilization of the critically ill may have just opened up a niche for the rehab profession’s sleeper, the Occupational Therapist. Because a Physical ….

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Take a Fresh Look at Your Rehab Therapy Processes

In your practice as a physical, occupational or speech therapist, you have certain procedures, certain ways of doing things. There may be good reasons for why things are done the way they are, or it could just be that they have always been done that way, and no one really thought to question the procedures. ….

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Changing Attitudes About Stress

Stress is something we all have to deal with at work and outside it, and that is especially true of the healthcare professions, where the lives or the quality of life of the patients you care for often are at stake.  As a physical, occupational or speech therapist you are no doubt well aware that ….

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Good Decision Making and Your Rehab Therapy Career

As a rehab therapist, you will have to make countless decisions, choices about the care you will be providing to your patients, and choices about how to run your practice. Like most people, you will try to make your decisions rationally, by gathering information, talking to colleagues and sorting out the options open to you. ….

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Handling Conflicts at Your Rehab Facility

No one would argue with the fact that people are going to have different opinions at work and that these opinions will sometimes come into conflict. That’s not always a bad thing. Without such differences, innovation and improvement are not likely to occur. As a physical, occupational or speech therapist, you will be working with ….

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What to Look for in a Physical Therapy Job

If you’re a newly-minted PT just out of school, or even a more seasoned veteran, and you’re looking for a job, you might be a little unsure about what to look for and what you should ask about in an interview. To help you out, the American Physical Therapy Association has come up with a ….

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7 Steps to Mental Well Being

As a physical, occupational or speech therapist, you know more than most about how to tell when you’re pushing your body just enough — or too much. But are you as good at determining when your mental well being is being compromised? Our society pushes all of us today like never before. We’re asked to ….

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