
Typical Workday for a Physical Therapist

Many physical therapists go into the profession because they learned that PTs have more one-on-one time with patients than do other healthcare providers. And, while most PTs truly enjoy this aspect of their calling, they also spend a great deal of time in a task most find tedious — paperwork. Many PTs say they spend ….

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Job Outlook for Speech Therapists, 2011 and Beyond

Speech and language therapists can expect a highly favorable job outlook in 2011 through at least 2018. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition reports that a “faster than average employment growth” is expected for speech therapists. “Faster than average,” according to the BLS, is an increase of 14-19 percent. In addition, ….

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Job Outlook for Occupational Therapists, 2011 and Beyond

Occupational therapists may expect a very good job outlook for 2011 through at least 2018. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the need for occupational therapists will “grow much faster than average” through 2018. This is even better than it sounds, because in BLS-speak, “much faster than average” actually means that employment opportunities are ….

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Job Outlook for Physical Therapists, 2011 and Beyond

If you’re a physical therapist, you’re undoubtedly someone who really enjoys being around and caring for people. Or, as one physical therapist we know once said, “I became a PT in part because I really get to spend time with my patients, about 45 minutes at least a session. I really get to know them.”As ….

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Continuing Education Opportunities for Occupational and Speech Therapists in 2011

As with all other healthcare professions, those who train and become certified as occupational or speech therapists must take continuing education courses periodically in order to keep up with the latest developments in their careers. Continually upgrading skills is critically important for patient care, too, as it helps ensure successful outcomes for patients of OTs ….

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Free Resources for Occupational Therapists

Whether you’re a newly certified occupational therapist or an OT professional with several years or even decades of experience, you undoubtedly know already that there’s “always something new to learn.” Herewith are some free resources you may wish to explore to help you stay on top of OT treatment trends as well as news about ….

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Top Associations for Speech Therapists

Whether you have just completed your education, or have been a licensed speech therapist for many years, joining a national or statewide speech therapy association can have a long, lasting and positive impact on your career. First, let’s take a look at a couple of national associations. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the largest ….

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Five Ways to Land Your Dream Job

Landing a great rehabilitation position requires more than just knowledge and great skills and the ability to showcase these to potential employers. It also requires drive, confidence, ambition and the ability to go where the job possibilities may lead you. For example, if you’re now in one part of the country with your dream job ….

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Take Advantage of These Free Resources for Speech Therapists

If you’re a current speech therapist, or you’re thinking of entering a field that helps people with one of the most important functions they have — their speech — then check out the following free resources just for speech therapists. The American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) is the professional association for those who are engaged ….

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October is Here. Are you Ready for MDS 3.0?

If you operate a skilled nursing facility, are you ready for MDS 3.0? As you know, the MDS is a critical part of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) program for skilled nursing. The data gathered with the MDS is used for RAP/CAAs, payment, surveys and quality measures. In addition, the MDS is  ….

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Associations for Physical Therapists

Many physical therapists swear by the professional associations they’ve joined because these groups help them in so many ways. Joining one or more professional associations gives a physical therapist: The opportunity to stay on top of trends in the field. Many associations publish academic or scholarly journals in which the latest treatments and trends are ….

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The Keys to Finding Rehab Therapist Jobs

If you’ve decided to seek work as a rehabilitation therapist, your first step will be to earn a master’s degree in either physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy. You’ll also need to pass your field’s licensure examination. If you’re just starting to think about working as a rehab therapist, as you get ready for ….

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Where Do Rehab Therapists Work?

Rehabilitation therapists work in a variety of settings, often dictated by what kind of rehab therapy they do. A rehab therapist is someone who has been trained to assist people who are recovering from illness or trauma that can be emotional, physical or psychological in nature. The therapist works primarily to help his or her ….

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Occupational Therapy Associations and Resources

If you’re an occupational therapist, do yourself  a favor and join at least one professional  OT association. Why? Here are just a few reasons: Most professional associations publish newsletters and/or professional journals that they deliver to their members. Read them and you’ll be able to keep up-to-date on the latest developments and issues in OT. ….

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The Benefits of Working as a Travel Therapist

If you’ve ever had the desire to travel to different parts of the country using your physical, occupational or rehabilitation skills in facilities where they’re needed most, consider working as a travel therapist. The benefits of doing so are many. Here are just a few: You’ll more than likely make more money. The hourly wages ….

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Get Yourself Motivated

I don’t know about you, but quite frankly I’m sick of hearing about the tough competition out there for jobs. The fact of the matter is that there are an amazing amount of therapy jobs available for people that are motivated and ready to seize the opportunity. So today, we’re going to focus on 5 ….

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