
Educational Opportunities During OT Month

April is the month for enhancing your occupational therapy skills and education through webinars and conferences.  Here are a few we think you should consider: April 10:  “Therapeutic Use of the P.L.A.Y Project”,  free webinar on play and language program for ASD children presented by the training director. April 11-13:  “The Young Child with Special ….

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Occupational Therapy and the Adult Autistic

April is appropriately both Occupational Therapy Month and National Autism Awareness Month.  By 2029 almost 400,000 children with ASD will transition into adulthood, straining the already limited resources available. The U.S. ”Individuals with Disabilities Act” (IDEA) mandates special education and related services in public schools until age 21. But after that, families are left to ….

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Healthiest U.S. Cities

According to the 2012 Bloomberg’s Rankings, the U.S. is the 33rd healthiest nation out of 145 with populations of one million or greater.  Surprisingly, Canada and all of the European countries listed ranked higher.  Total health-scores were based on infant mortality and life expectancy rates, age factors and causes of death. Then lifestyle, medical and ….

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Tips on Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome

Can’t Live Without Them?  Learn to Live With Them! Has your smartphone/tablet become an integral fixture in your professional and personal life?  Do you use devices as patient education aids, clinical information references, or data collection and therapy scheduling tools? Most likely your digital usage doesn’t end when your work shift does either. You use ….

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Tips on Preventing Interview Fatigue

Singing the Interview Blues??? So you researched, prepared and rehearsed for that perfect job.   You gave clear, concise answers to all the questions, smiled just at the right moments and left after firmly shaking hands with your potential employer.  You get in your car, drive home, still excited by the prospect of a new job. ….

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Healthcare Jobs Round Out Top 100 Jobs of 2013

Best of the Best! Your chosen profession is just that …a personal choice.  However, it is always comforting to have your decision validated by an objective source.  U.S. News and World Report recently revealed its 2013 top 100 best jobs. It should come as no surprise that health related careers are in the top third ….

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Boar’s Head to Donate Towards Diabetes Risk Test

Take the Test, Stem the Tide. An American Diabetes Association (ADA) study found that total diabetes costs grew to a staggering $245 billion last year, a 41% increase since the 2007 study. This figure included roughly $69 billion in indirect costs, such as reduced productivity and absenteeism. That translates to 1 out of every 5 ….

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Speech Therapy and Improving Communication in Down Syndrome

An “Old” Technique Finds New Purpose. Trisomy occurs when chromosome pairs fail to separate properly during meiosis, and  a second copy of one of the chromosomes forms.  Autosomal trisomies, identified by affected chromosomal number, result in varying degrees of congenital malformations, organ defects and developmental disabilities. The three most common autosomal trisomies surviving to birth ….

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2013 Continuing Education for Healthcare Professionals

Learning Is A Lifelong Process Check out these upcoming events and programs for healthcare professionals.  Not only are the topics of interest and timely, you can even earn valuable continuing education credits in the process! March 6-18, 2013 – ASHA’s “Adolescent Language and Literacy: Supporting Emotional, Social and Academic Growth”.  Early registration open for online ….

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Top Therapy Jobs in Georgia

“Georgia On Your Mind” Georgia evokes images of stately “Gone With the Wind” plantations, live oaks draped in Spanish moss and fried green tomatoes, butter beans and sweet tea served up with a Southern drawl.  Today’s Georgia is in many ways the epitome of the “New South” – a South that is cosmopolitan, forward-thinking and ….

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10 Facts About Heart Health

Did You Know??? As American Heart Month winds down here are ten interesting facts related to heart health: “Men’s Health Magazine” has named San Jose, CA as the second healthiest city in America for men, with the lowest rate of mortality from heart disease for 2013. Eating salmon twice a week can lower by one ….

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Physical Therapy and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

Rehab is Good for the Heart! Cardiovascular disease accounted for about 53% of all U.S. hospital readmissions from 2007-2009, according to a study published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”.  This trend continues even as provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) begin cutting Medicare reimbursements to hospitals with higher than expected readmission ….

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Vibration Platforms and Geriatric Patients

Can Good Vibrations Mean Good Health? Anyone remember the vibrator belts machines of the 50’s and 60’s that promised you could shake your fat away without strenuous exercise?  They didn’t work. Different versions of that idea have surfaced over the ensuing years, but a small, Spanish government-funded study is making healthcare and rehabilitation professionals revisit ….

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7 Tips for Preventing Snow Shoveling Trauma

Digging Out the Right Way: A friend in Canada recently sent me a message complaining of severe pains in his legs and arms, the result of digging his car out of snowdrifts for the second time in one day!  Although used to heavy snowfalls, he was unprepared for having to repeatedly  “rescue” his only means ….

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Customer Service is Still King

The healthcare staffing/recruitment field is filled with options for those seeking employment.  So how do you choose?  You can rely on word of mouth – a recommendation from a good friend or colleague.  You can conduct a very random or a very thorough search using Google and other social media.  But, no matter what method ….

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Top Dance Therapy Programs in the US

Dance: Mind and Matter A gem of a movie, “Silver Linings Playbook” is bringing the issue of mental health,and how we treat it, once again out of the recesses and into the forefront of American psyches.  It not so subtly suggests that focused physical activity, in this case dance, should be a part of any ….

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Top Therapy Jobs in North Carolina

“To Be Rather Than to Seem” – North Carolina It is unclear whether the state’s nickname derives from its earliest exports, tar and turpentine… or from the tenacity of its fighting men in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  “Tarheels” are universally proud of the role they played in the formation of this country, both economically ….

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Top Ten Online Graduate Nursing Programs

We all want a work-life balance that enables us to live up to our full potential.  Sometimes that includes continuing education, either formal or informal.  The growth of distance learning programs has made it possible for healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge base, complete their degrees and expand their career options, without  having to give ….

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Close the Interview, Don’t Close the Door

You came to your interview fully prepared…or at least you thought you did.  You researched the facility/clinic/hospital; you practiced answering any and all possible interview questions; you dressed appropriately; and you arrived on time.  You even answered interview questions in a very positive and enthusiastic manner. The process seems to be going well, when the ….

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Glaucoma and the Role of the OT

January is “National Glaucoma Awareness Month”.  The Glaucoma Research Foundation estimates there are about 2.7 million Americans, 40 and older, living with the disease.  This figure is expected to almost double by 2030, with African American and Latino communities affected in disproportionate numbers. Thankfully, due to medical and pharmaceutical advances, glaucoma is no longer synonymous ….

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