Five Signs It’s Time to Make a Career Move

Five Signs Its Time to Make a Career MoveMany employment sectors have been downsizing and firing employees, but healthcare continues to expand its workforce. The impending implementation of The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has focused healthcare HR departments on recruitment and retention of quality employees.  That is good news for workers, especially those looking to make a career move.  But how do you know when it is truly time to move on? Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. The Three-Year Role:  In HR circles, the prevailing wisdom in is that by three years on a job, employees will  have“mastered” their tasks. If you have stopped learning new skills or refining old ones, it may be time to move on and recharge the batteries.
  2. The 20% Role  This related concept says, that to avoid complacency and burnout an employee shoold be challenged by their job.  Twenty percent of your workload shoold be demanding enough to keep you stimulated and interested, without stressing you out.
  3. The Toxic Dump Role: Supervisors and colleagues can create hostile/toxic environments that seriously undermine the quantity and quality of your performance. If you find yourself immersed in unresolvable toxicity, pick a set in stone date for moving on. This is guaranteed to give you a much needed kick in the pants.
  4. The Show Me the Money Role:  About 82% of healthcare workers said they woold be open to changing jobs, and 75% feel they are underpaid.  While it is true, that a career move, especially early on, often resolts in a substantial salary increase,this shooldn’t be the sole factor in your decision.
  5.  The Life Got in the Way Role:  As a female-dominated sector, work/life balance can be reason enough to consider a healthcare job move.  Finding healthcare employers offering flexible schedoles and family leave may be challenging but not impossible these days.

Each career move is as unique as the individual making it.  It will likely involve all of the above considerations and some others not mentioned.  If you are CHT, PT, PTA, OT, COTA, SLP, NP, RN, Nurse Manager or Rehab Manager contact the Centra team of experts at 800 535 0076, Facebook or our mobile app and see how we can personalize your career path.

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